The Vision of Cannabis in Rhode Island is Now a Reality.

Are you prepared for what comes next?

Winning the lottery is a long shot.

The odds are against you, but if you are lucky, it is a dream come true.

Imagine how much harder it would be if you had to submit a detailed application just to get a ticket? What if you can’t collect those winnings because a critical piece of paperwork was missed?

That will be the scenario for a number of Green Entrepreneurs in Rhode Island. Reaching the vision of a cannabis dispensary or cultivation facility will take two things:

  • You get a ticket to the lottery.

  • You are prepared if your number is called.

hand holding 3 leaf clover

Face the Reality of your vision NOW.

Be ready when your number is called.

Green Path Legal logo

Plan for what’s real.

Prepare for the opportunity.

Get it right the First Time Around.

Your success is contingent on things happening in concert.

EVERYTHING, from location and funding to the business plan and advertising - must move together to truly be prepared for the opportunity.

stack of rocks with water in the background

Our consultative approach ensures nothing is missed.

You can’t afford to go through it twice.

We ensure the first time is done right.

1. Evaluate Your Reality.

First we uncover your Vision. What is your plan? What do you want to represent to the market? We then validate your plan against the regulatory realities and determine your possibilities with a Realistic Vision.

2. Create Your Path to Readiness.

With your reality clear, we begin to define the details of how we arrive at “Readiness.” We marry all key “checkpoints” and move them forward as one. The system is pressure-tested to ensure there is no room for regulatory rejection. You are now Prepared and Proven.

3. Finalize Your Journey.

Now that the biggest hurdle is overcome, that does not mean you are through the woods. There are a multitude of post-licensure next steps that are just as critical. We are with you along the journey, providing guidance and advisory services to keep you on your path.

We cover a range of services that get you where you want to go.

Whether you are a budding visionary or have an established cannabis business, our team offers the services and guidance you need.

  • Lottery Preparation

  • Business Formation

  • Licensing & Permits

  • Compliance

  • Litigaton

Preparing for the Lottery does a lot for you.

When you do it right, you do it once.

Given the odds created by the system, getting it correct is critical. You make the most of the opportunity when it comes.

You are prepared for the Cannabis Rush.

The preparation pays off down the road. With the details accounted for, you avoid costly issues or audits that could occur down the road.

You have a partner on your Journey.

Green Path Legal can help you before, during, and after your application process to help maximize your success.

Be ready when your number is called.

Contact us now!

(401) 369-9113